WWE 2K22 Knocks The Competition On Its Ass

WWE 2K22 Knocks The Competition On Its Ass
Being big and strong is no good if you can't show off!

WWE is a massive sport with millions of enthusiastic fans across the world. For many fans, experiencing the thrill, the rush, and the pain of a WWE fight is something that they will never experience. 

John Cena vs. The Rock. Image by 'WWE 2K22.'

WWE 2K22’ brings players into the ring and gives them that rush, that thrill, without any real pain of course! In ‘WWE 2K22’ players fight as a range of famous legends in the WWE world such as Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, Sasha Banks, and  “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. 

According to developers, ‘WWE 2K22’ is released with a redesigned engine, graphics, and controls to make the experience unlike anything players have seen before, allowing them to feel the punches and every move that they make as they fight their way to the top.

In addition to being able to play as WWE heroes, players will now also be able to compose and manage their own team of fighters as a WWE General Manager, competing with other managers for the spot as the top manager with the most successful WWE team.

Violent brutality. Image by 'WWE 2K22.'

The game allows players to create custom fighters and private factions for the ultimate WWE experience. 

‘WWE 2K22’ also offers two storylines for players to play through, one with a female character and the other with a male character. The story mode features in-depth stories for both characters, with in-depth choices and consequences that allow players to live the WWE career of their dreams.

‘WWE 2K22’ is developed by ‘Visual Concepts’ and is available on Steam.

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