Which is the Best GTA Game? Here, We Rank All GTA Games, From Best to Worst: Page 7 of 8

Which is the Best GTA Game? Here, We Rank All GTA Games, From Best to Worst

The game is only as amazing as it’s press release…that’s all folks!

6. GTA Stories (Yes, all of them)

Time for the worst. Arguably any series with diehard fans always has a train wreck smoking away somewhere, usually some sort of spinoff: remember the Joey show which came after Friends. Great original series lead to the worst sitcom ever. Oh, for you younger folks this translates as when Family Guy gave birth to the twisted offspring of The Cleveland Show. Is it that horrid?

Yes. And here is why, every spin off in the list of GTA games was just a crappy overlay of the original game. In the Episodes from Liberty City Stories the game is supposed to predate GTA:III and takes place on almost the same map. The substantial additions are the motorcycles, helicopters, and clothing customization and in my book this isn’t really enough to warrant an entire new game or the full price of one. Perhaps, it could have been released as an ad-on and even now if it was offered as $5 download I would probably still consider that price a bit… steep.

Sleek cover…and loving the mustaches; if only they put this much TLC into the game…it could have been something.

The Vice City Stories had many of the same issues as LCS including the fact that the main character, Vic Vance, was a limp noodle despite being a corporal in the US Army. I couldn’t give two shakes about him during game play or even in my mind. And I tried! I wanted to like this guy: he comes from a poor family, and is trying to support his crazy family. But, the execution of the story just wasn’t compelling enough to make him interesting and CJ’s story was a lot more interesting.

The entire plot and many of the quests felt like high school - you know, agonizingly listening to your teacher drone on five minutes before the last school bell of the day—the feeling where each passing second feels like an infinitely expanding eternity. You just want the clock to strike the hour so you can do something else…anything else. Like maybe spoon your eyes out, jam a fork in your ear, or watch cement set.

I eventually just sucked it up and beat my head on a wall while grinding my way through the majority of the game. Now, with games I tend to have OCD but this game cured me. Literally. The more the game droned on the more it felt like I was chasing after something that was never there—it was a big bag burlap sack of gaming disappointment of all GTA games this one let the air out of my tires. Pftttttt.

Hell, even Steam doesn’t offer any of the GTA Stories (Liberty City Stories, Chinatown Wars, or Vice City Stories) on their portal and for good reason. They are the definition of dull and are basically Rockstar’s way of saying “we needed a paycheck”. ::Sigh::

My Rating: 2/5 stars  …because killing by itself is only so fun.

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Gamer Since: 1995
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Re-Playing Vice City
Top 3 Favorite Games:Sid Meier's Civilization V, Left 4 Dead 2, Mass Effect 2

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MJuarbe's picture

MJuarbe 8 years 12 months ago

i remember playing GTA when it came out for the PS1. good times good times

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