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27 Sep 2014 - 6:18 pm

Singapore’s “80s kids” will remember growing up with the browser-based Neopets, a virtual world inhabited by cute little pets you could train, send into battle, and pamper to your heart’s content. Now, it looks like this generation of Singaporean students will get to experience the country’s own gamified and educational version of the game.



Kungfu Math is a learning website set up by Derrick Koh, owner of an education chain in Singapore. His Kungfu Interactive brand involves running mathematics-themed motivational programs for schools as well as student care centers. It was thanks to his daily interactions with students that he realized while Singapore’s education system actively uses electronic learning or “e-learning”, these programs are not well utilized thanks to their heavy focus on content.

Koh noticed that whenever his student charges had to use their e-learning portals, they would hastily finish their assignments online so that they could go to game websites to play. “There are no features to motivate the students to want to stay on and learn,” he said.

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James Lightning
  • Gamer Since: 1988
  • Favorite Genre: FPS
  • Currently Playing: GTA San
  • Favorite Games: DOTA 2, Baldur's Gate, XCOM: Enemy Unknown

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Author_04's picture

Author_04 9 months 2 weeks ago

I have no idea what this poll is about, but I voted anyway. Lol.

joedef18's picture

joedef18 7 years 8 months ago

It's always a poll

James Lightning's picture

James Lightning 9 years 4 months ago

Yes. Comments.

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