Splinter Cell: Blacklist

Splinter Cell: Blacklist
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Splinter Cell: Blacklist (2013)

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6 months have passed since the events of Conviction. Sam Fisher and Victor Coste are leaving Andersen Air Force Base when it suddenly comes under attack by a group of heavily armed terrorists. With the help of hacking specialist Charlie Cole, Sam and Vic manage to escape, but Vic gets hurt shielding Sam from a grenade explosion.

Not long after, a group called "The Engineers" take responsibility for the attack and announces the start of "The Blacklist" - a countdown of deadly attacks on high value U.S. assets that will be carried out unless the U.S. Government withdraws all troops deployed abroad. US President Caldwell assigns Sam Fisher, Cole, Isaac Briggs and Anna Grímsdóttir to a new special ops & counter-terrorism unit called "Fourth Echelon". Charged with stopping The Engineers, the team uses the "Paladin" cargo plane as a command center and initiate highly sophisticated missions to hunt down and exterminate the terrorists.

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aswin_rajeev25's picture

aswin_rajeev25 8 years 6 months ago

One of the best games that I've played. The stealth elements of this game is the best part! Must play for all fans of Splinter Cell.

Jroytalingting's picture

Jroytalingting 9 years 3 weeks ago

This game is very innovative. It`s modernized theme makes me want to play this game even more! If you want a challenging, thinking, and fun game, you have to try this! I enjoyed playing every single mission in this game, especially the stealth missions where you can actually use your creativity to finish it. The drones in the game makes it even more challenging. Sam Fischer is like the man who knows it all. He can infiltrate the enemy base with a comrade or even alone. You may also explore the whole map to find one of the scattered hidden items in the game to upgrade your preferred suit to use in game

Ilcorvo5250's picture

Ilcorvo5250 9 years 3 weeks ago

Everyone has had that dream that they are a master of stealth and the savior in the dark. Splinter Cell Blacklist turns you into the deadliest human of the modern world Sam Fischer. As you go mission to mission you are able to customize your clothes, weapons and gadgets this alone makes every play through completely different. So the only question is are you up to the task of saving the world.

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